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Install Visual Studio Code

Once you have the built splashkit you can download and install Visual Studio Code to use as a source code editor.


  1. Download Visual Studio Code

    Downloading Visual Studio Code for Ubuntu

  2. Open up a terminal.

    Opening a terminal in Ubuntu

  3. Install Visual Studio Code

    In the terminal window, change directory using the cd command to the directory where Visual Studio Code downloaded

    Terminal window
    cd ~/Downloads

    Then, install the .deb package by copying and pasting the code below into your terminal and pressing enter.

    Terminal window
    sudo dpkg -i code_1.*.deb

    Installing Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu

  4. In Visual Studio Code you should install the following extensions:

    For C#:

    You can do this from the command line by executing:

    Terminal window
    code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.csharp
    code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.csdevkit
    code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.vscodeintellicode-csharp

    For C++:

    You can do this from the command line by executing:

    Terminal window
    code --install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack